Business Intelligence-BI
Quickly integrates multiple independent management system.
The WEB architecture allows lookup business performances information anywhere at any time.
Instantly accesses analysis reports.
Obtains any historical data.
Multi-dimensional analysis, such as by time, region, product, business ... ...
Available to select your favorite comparing method.

Provides sufficient reports for decision making.
Provides accurate strategic data.
Powerful and practical tools for report design
The personalized setting closes to the user habits
The eight-layers security system protects data safety.

>> New experience from Chang Hang BI
  • Integrates the data from independent systems to provide comprehensive information.
  • Collects and arranges the systems data, and establish practical and sufficient data to improve query efficiency. Historical data query is no longer difficult.
  • Intuitive charts easier you do analysis.
  • Provides a variety of analytical information, and discovers potential problem to develop more business opportunities.

>> Flexible chart operations

Example: Vendors and purchase ranking analysis.
The following table and chart show each month's vendors ranking by purchase: Add data that you wish to analyze into the chart, such as purchase quantity and purchase amount, inserts vendor dimension and lists vendor purchase status, through the ranking formula, you can quickly achieve purchase and vendor ranking analysis.

Example: Quick analysis of regional sales and sales growth.
The following figures are regional sales analysis reports: Bases on sales regions, the sales quantity and sales amount are the objects of analysis.