Recruitment Management
Human Analysis
  • Hard to access human analysis reports in time.
  • The information collected by hand is always inaccurate and cannot be the basis for decision making.
  • Without specific process management platform, the decision-making basis cannot be instantly shared and performed.

Chang Hang HRM Solutions:
  • Provide Historical Job and Human Analysis Reports.
  • Provide Job Turnover Analysis Reports.
  • Provide Job Labor Cost Analysis Reports.
  • Provide the reports of Difference between Budget and Actual Labor.

Human Repository Management
  • Hard to instantly access interview history and human research history.
  • The human search is always repeated, result in low efficiency.
  • In case of urgent need for employee, the enterprise has to select suitable person from a mass of candidates within a short term.

Chang Hang HRM Solutions:

Human Repository Management

Establish appropriative human collection for enterprise through the Human Repository Management, and lock the expected employees' information for current and future needs.
Fast import the resumes which are downloaded from the recruitment websites, and create indexes for conveniently searching required information.

Interview Management
  • It is difficult to quickly analyze a mass of resumes.
  • The interview results are always incomplete. One candidate might have more interview times and interview records; the comprehensive evaluation is not easy to perform and results in the difficulty in accurately making decision.
  • Unable to instantly access historical interview information because the data has not been recorded.

Chang Hang HRM Solutions:
  • Detailedly record interview results for future quick query.
  • Record interview comments and recommendation description for reference.
  • Human evaluation and state management.
  • Provide black list and white list in order to quickly know candidates' background.

Assigning Management:
  • During the rush period of recruitment, the data entry for new hired employees cost a great deal of labor.
  • The loss caused by some employees' fake ID is unpredictable.
  • The relevant departmental manager unable to query the information of new employee, such as personnel resumes.

Chang Hang HRM Solutions:
  • Provide second-generation citizen ID card entry interface for quickly importing the card information into the system.
  • Automatically generate employee profile base on interview information.
  • Attach personnel resumes to the employee profiles for reference.
  • Automatically send the First Letter to staff.